Social Return Case Management is a team of experienced and innovative health and social care professionals from a range of backgrounds including Nursing, Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy, Social Work and Vocational Rehabilitation backgrounds.
Each case manager is a member of, or an Advanced Practitioner of BABICM (the British Association of Brain Injury and Complex Case Management), alongside their relevant professional registrations.
Our Case Managers, backed by our dedicated office support team, use their collective expertise and our integrated approach to assess needs, coordinate services and support people who have survived serious life-changing injuries and who are rebuilding their lives and futures.
We carry out comprehensive assessments to gain a full understanding of each of our client’s past, present, potential and aspirations for their future. Detailed analysis, collaborative goal setting and planning leads into a responsive service which supports, coordinates and develops the plan for each client, working with families, services and providers towards meaningful and sustainable recovery outcomes, demonstrated by clear and robust reporting.
We provide comprehensive case management or specific short-term assessment and coordination for a wide range of complex conditions across the age-range, including (but not limited to):
- Brain injury
- Spinal cord injury
- Amputees
- Cerebral palsy
- Mental Health
- Complex multiple-condition presentations
- Serious life changing orthopaedic injury
- Prolonged disorders of consciousness (VS and MCS)